Siapa sich yang nggak kenal David Copperfield?!.Dia adalah seorang maestro magic yang sering melakukan atraksi2 yang mengejutkan seperti menghilangkan Liberty dan menembus tembok besar China.Ilusi adalah sulap yang full trik dan kebanyakan menggunakan properti atau panggung khusus.Nah kali ini akan dibedah trik2 milik master ilusi itu!
Kalian bisa baca selengkapnya tentang trik2 copperfield yang salah satunya menembus tembok besar China.Berhubung aku lagi banyak tugas, aku ngasih triknya pake bahasa inggris aja yaa !!! bagi yang hebat bhs inggris, apalagi murid kesayangan pa Erwan, pasti bisa tau triknya... Good Luck...
1.Making A Jumbo Jet Vanish
The vanishing of a 747 Jumbo Jet while it rests on the tarmac has
become one of the most significant vanishes of all time. On many
occasions this illusion has been performed before a live television
audience, while a crowd of onlookers keep an eye on the real thing.
It is not an illusion most magicians can afford to perform, still I
will explain the most common way of performing this trick.
The audience will see the jet as it taxis onto an area at the landing
strip. The crew will park the plane and disembark. The audience, both
viewing at home and on the scene, can see the airplane from all
directions. Spotlights will be pointed at the plane, making it fully
illuminated against the dark night.
At the performer's command, the lights to flash off, then back on.
When the lights are relit, the plane is gone. The spotlights are once
again pointed in the same direction as before, but there is no jet
plane, only the tarmac and the night. The plane is then brought back in
the same manner. The lights will flash off then on, and the plane is
back. The crew boards the plane and taxis it back to the hangar.
The secret: I'm sure that you guessed it: The plane never really
leaves the tarmac. But how is it made invisible? Many spotlights are
surrounding the plane, which is in a cordoned-off area all set for the
effect. Between the massive search lights and the audience, there is a
netting draped from light to light. Encircling the plane.
When the plane is first driven or taxied into the area, the one
opening between the searchlights is clear of the netting. Once the
engines are shut off and the crew disembarks, the technicians will
hook up this last piece of netting. This is done under the cover of
preparing the these massive searchlights for illumination.
The netting is the same which is used on stage productions. On the
stage, the netting acts as backdrops for various scenes. With the
proper lighting, the backdrops and scenes will change. When backlit,
you will see the image on the netting, when front lit you will see
right through it.
In the case of the jet plane, the huge searchlights are set in such a
manner that at one point you see through the netting and you can
easily see the plane. In the next setting, you only see the black of
night, since this is the scene secretly painted on the special
netting. Black is also the same colour of the tarmac, so it appears
that the jet is gone and you see the ground where the plane once sat.
When the jet is made to reappear, the netting is dropped to the floor
while the lights are out. Turn the lights back on and the jet has
Positioning of the netting depends on the circumstances. If the
audience is only in front of the plane, then only mask that part of
the plane from the audience with the netting. For more angles, use
more netting, surrounding the plane if necessary. Neither the human
eye nor the camera will be able to see through the netting when the
correct lighting is in effect.
This netting not only is used in stage plays, but many of the modern
magicians will use this effect on their shows and specials, it is a
great way to make things appear or vanish.
Vanishing of a statue such as the Statue of Liberty can be controlled
in the same manner under the right conditions. When "Liberty" was
under construction a few years back, it was completely surrounded with
workmen scaffolding and platforms. The scaffolding would be an easy
way to attach the netting and cause the illusion to take place.
Only a performer with a keen sense of timing could come up with events
such as these. So look around, see what other opportunities for these
types of effects are available, then go out and perform them.
2.Statue of Liberty Vanish
By far one of the most celebrated illusions David Copperfield has
As seen by millions on television and by a select group who were on
site, the statue was clearly seen against the night sky, both with
spotlights shining on it and a ring of lights at its base. The select
group of participants sat on a small stage facing a small curtain. The
curtains were then closed, when they were reopened, the statue was
gone, while the spotlights were still blazing and the ring of lights
were still lit. Above, a helicopter hovered, but no statue was in
Moments later the curtains were closed. This time, when they
reopened, the statue had returned. What a sight. Such a trick.
The secret:
Although there are actually several methods to this stunt,
I will describe the one which is easiest to perform.
The staging area for the trick is really the seating area and not the
statue. The seating area and the television camera bay are located a
short distance from the statue. The seating area is a circular stage
with curtain suspended between two pillars. The curtain area is
between the sightlines of the seats and cameras, and that of the statue.
The spectators at home and those in attendance have a good view of the
statue, through the open curtains. When the curtains are closed, the
statue is completely blocked out.
Surrounding the statue is a ring of lights and in the immediate area
are spotlights, focused on the statue. Actually, there are two sets of
lights. One rings the statue, one rings an area next to the statue.
More amazingly, the platform on which both the spectators and cameras
sit, is nothing more than a large turntable.
Here are the inner workings: The ring of lights around the object (in
this case the Statue of Liberty) is lit. The spotlights sweeping the
area are focused on the object too. When the curtains close, the
spectator platform slowly turns away from the object. The first set of
lights ringing the object are turned off. The second set, near the
object are turned on. The spotlights are now redirected to the area
above the lit ring of lights. A smoke machine is turned on to further
hide the object and to make the lights dance in an eerie empty space.
When the curtains are reopened, all that is seen is the smoke, the
lights, the searchlights, but not the object. Because no one can see
around the curtain area, the audience is unable to make out the dark
silhouette of the actual object. But to further diminish the chances
of this happening, a bright flash of light precedes the opening of the
curtains. Much like looking into the flash of a camera light, there is
a temporary blindness which stays with people for many seconds.
In the meantime, hovering, the helicopter also has moved, and is now
over the new empty area. Naturally no object is beneath it. Even
photographs won't later reveal the trick. Any one around the outside
of the platform taking photographs with a small flash camera, would
not be able to pick up the dark statue because those small cameras
have short flash ranges and do not have the distance required to
photograph the object. But the photograph touch is a nice addition to
an otherwise simple trick.
Returning the object to visibility is simply a reversal of routine.
Unfortunately, the slow, steady movement of the seat platform makes
for a slow paced and dull effect.
When you break it down, the Statue of Liberty vanish becomes a simple
trick. Much like a black art illusion. But, more importantly, it just
shows how gullible people can be. I'm sure that if people did feel the
seating area move, they wouldn't say anything. No one would want to
ruin such a good trick. This way, they felt like they, too, were in on
the trick. And tricks were meant to be kept a secret, now, weren't
they? Well, maybe not.
Maaf kalau teman-teman nda ngerti... Roshalind pasti ngerti (hehehehe...)